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Rachel Coker resides in Lanexa, Virginia with her parents, who’ve homeschooled her since she was a child, and two sisters. She has a passion for great books, and has been surrounded by them all her life. Her gift for writing became apparent at the age of eleven, at which time her parents, who owned a Christian bookstore, signed her up for a year of lessons with a professional writing coach. Rachel also has a deep love for classical music and old black-and-white movies. When she is not writing or playing the piano, Rachel enjoys spending time with her family and friends and serving God.

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Today’s Brilliance from Rachel Coker

When I was ten-years-old, all I wanted to do was grow up and become a Broadway actress. I was an awkward, lonely child, and I guess it took away a little bit of my adolescent pain to think about my name up in lights, prominently displayed for all to see. All I ever wanted was for people to like me. I craved what every other preteen does--to be popular. That was six years ago. And gosh, it surprises me how little changes in a seemingly long amount of time. When I was fifteen, my first novel was published. It was…

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